For Somerton and Langport classes call:  07484 849157
For Warminster classes call: 07703 754737

Reality Juniors (ages 9 to 12)

Our Reality Juniors programme is for students aged 9 - 12. Whilst having fun and working towards their black belt, we also help them achieve outside of the Dojo the same standards they work towards whilst training inside the Dojo. Some of the areas covered include concentration, confidence, respect and personal safety all within a fun, friendly and family environment.

We encourage our students to strive and achieve better for themselves in their everyday life. To help encourage our students in their efforts Somerton and Langport club run a "Student of the Month" award, based on respect, focus and effort.

Getting used to Earning - We also tell them that their belts cannot just be bought - that they must be earned. After each grading we have a Presentation Ceremony when families and friends are invited to attend with their cameras to capture the moment. Students are reminded to respect their families, and thank them for allowing them to take part in Reality MASD.
Way of Life - Students are told that Martial Arts is not just a lesson each week, but a way of life. Students are told that they must behave at home and in the Academy if they want to be able to go forward for their next grading. At Somerton and Langport Club we run an Effort Grade system with minimum standards to be invited to grade at the next Grading.
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